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25 October 2023 - 26 October 2023
Maribor, Slovenia
SEEmeet 2023

Wednesday, 25th October 2023

09.15 - 09.45 Keynote

Lecturer: Mr. Matej Kupljenik, Head of Digital Industry, SIEMENS

Lecture Title: SIEMENS XCELERATOR: Shaping the Metaverse from Simulation to Reality

Lecture description:
SIEMENS XCELERATOR - The Industrial Metaverse is a virtual world where an infinite number of people can meet, work, shop, or socialize. It is nothing less than a new plane of existence, one that will change the way we live forever. The industrial metaverse offers the possibility to optimize our constructions, production systems, and innovations using simulation, detect any mistakes, and make the decisions that will eventually have an impact on reality. All of this is also beneficial to sustainability because it has long been a goal to convince mankind to consume less.

Company description: 
Siemens DIGITAL INDUSTRIES is combining the real world of automation with the digital world of information technology. With our unique portfolio, we make a decisive contribution to sustainable industrial innovation.As a trusted partner with leading technologies for automation and digitalization, we help our customers drive their digital transformation and to collect, understand and use the massive amount of data created in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). We are innovating faster and more efficiently within our strong partner ecosystem. We give Cybersecurity for Industry the highest priority in successful digitalization, so we place it at the center of our development of innovative products, solutions, and services.

Lecturer Biography: 
With a strong focus on process automation and digitalization, Matej Kupljenik brings a profound understanding of the intricacies involved in driving successful digital transformations for companies. As a highly skilled and accomplished sales and marketing professional with over 20 years of experience in the dynamic field of digital industries, Mr. Kupljenik has consistently excelled in diverse leadership roles at Siemens. His expertise lies in effectively leveraging these technologies to propel sales growth and cultivate valuable partnerships. With a proven track record of success, Matej is adept at guiding businesses towards achieving their digital goals and maximizing their potential in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Closed since 24 October 2023
Vojašniški trg 2A
2000 Maribor, Slovenia
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