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25 October 2023 - 26 October 2023
Maribor, Slovenia
SEEmeet 2023

Wednesday, 25th October

10.00 - 10.30 Thematic Lecture I - Digitalization of production in practice – deployment of core modules and advanced technologies

Mr. Vanja Tomažič, Director of Automation and Digitalization for Industry and Infrastructure, Metronik ltd, Slovenia

Lecture Title:
Digitalization of production in practice – deployment of core modules and advanced technologies

Lecture Description:
Understanding the fundamental principles for the digitalization of modern manufacturing plants is crucial as you embark on your digitalization journey. It is imperative to be mindful of the key factors that require attention to ensure a successful transformation in the realm of digital manufacturing. Vanja will precisely explain these essential factors for you.

Lecturer Biography:
Vanja Tomažič serves as the Director of Automation and Digitalization for Industry and Infrastructure. With more than two decades of experience in manufacturing software and automation solutions for complex industry environments, he is a seasoned senior sales and consulting leader. Vanja is recognized as an intrapreneur who driving and developing customer and internal teams to deliver and use disruptive technology innovations that drives business value.

10.30 - 11.00 Thematic Lecture II - With e-signatures, your business will truly become paperless

Mrs. Nina Božjak Lipovšek, IT consultant for business solutions, Mikrografija ltd, Slovenia

Lecture Title:
With e-signatures, your business will truly become paperless

Lecture Description:
With e-signatures, your business will truly become paperless. Even the optimum paperless operations can be brought to a sudden halt if a document needs signing. The process of signing usually means that a document needs to be printed out, signed and then scanned in order to be put in the mSef e-storage or stored in the archive cabinet. In the lecture we will show you, how can you achieve tremendous savings in operating costs, while also complying with statutory requirements regarding security, and preventing any subsequent denial of credibility as well as any unauthorised interference in the already notarised documents.

Lecturer Biography:
Nina Božjak Lipovšek is an independent commercialist and IT consultant for business solutions at Mikrografija. For more than 15 years, she has been actively involved in various ICT projects. She obtains references in various roles, as a consultant, project manager, content preparer, lecturer or as a performer of a certain part of the process. In recent years, however, she has focused primarily on topics related to paperless business and the digitization of processes.

11.00 - 11.45 Thematic Panel I - Key factors for successful digital transformation

Moderator and guests:

  • Development Centre Novo mesto d.d., Tatjana Koleša MSc, SRC-EDIH project coordinator
  • CADCAM Lab d.o.o., Janez Stupan, director
  • EIT Digital Hungary: Ivett Angyal, Operations Lead for EDIHs

Panel Title:
Key factors for successful digital transformation – use cases from EDIHs (European Digital Innovation Hubs)

Panel Description:
Key elements that influence the successful implementation of digital transformation in organizations will be discussed at the round table. Valuable expert insights and examples of good practices of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) will be presented.

Thursday, 26th October

10.30 - 11.00 Thematic Lecture III - Insights from a Real-world Circular Economy Practice


Mr. Miha Kožuh, Business Change Manager, DSV / Reusable Technologies, Reusable Technologies® ltd, Slovenia

Lecture Title:
Insights from a Real-world Circular Economy Practice

Lecture Description:
DSV Global Transport and Logistics, and Reusable Technologies, cooperate on bringing circular economy from office schematics into rela life on field. With the first reusable powerbank in the world being manufactured as we read these lines, they pioneer this kind of new approach, to prove the feasibility of such an approach.

Lecturer Biography:
With a strong focus on customer specific solutions, Miha Kožuh brings an interesting point of view circular economy and how it is going to be done in real world. More than 15 years of customer centric work brings new ideas and possibilities.

11.00 - 11.30 Thematic Lecture IV - Cybersecurity Among The Top 3 Risks to Businesses


Mrs. Jelena Vidović, Head of Smart communities department, Gorenjska, BSC, d.o.o., Kranj, Slovenia

Lecture Title:
Cybersecurity Among The Top 3 Risks to Businesses

Lecture Description:
Digital Transformation (DX) is a must for growth and expansion of any business. But with the expansion of the technology footprint it also dramatically increases the risk of a cyberattack. When you consider the increase in risk, there is a need for specialized IT professionals that can manage the complexities of keeping organizations secure. That widening skill gap has put a big strain on a business’s cybersecurity posture and budget to manage the risk of a cyber attack. According to a study done by the Allianz Group Cybersecurity is one of the top 3 business risks in 2019; understanding how to approach and mitigate the risk will be a top priority for executives over the next three years. A part of the presentation will be a good practice example from Gorenjska region (Slovenia).

Lecturer Biography:
Jelena Vidović has a legal background and for the last 15 years she has worked in private and public sector. She cooperated closely with municipalities, state, private companies and various other institutions, adapting financing programsand development projects to best suit their budgets anddifferent possibilities/abilities, with particular emphasis oninnovativeness, eco-sustainability, efficiency, quality andfeasibility of the investments. This approach contributedsignificantly to her international network of contacts and enabled very solid relationships based on respect with business partners.Emphasis is placed on joint initiatives in creating innovative project solutions and encouraging progress and positive communication between different partners from initial conceptual ideas to tactile reality. She is specialized in innovative content, such as the digital transformation of society, related cyber security and the development of artificial intelligence. She was also working as an auditor and is a former founder of a start up and three NGOs.

11.30 - 12.15 Thematic Panel II - Building excellence in production: Concurrence of high-performance computing, artificial intelligence and innovative DIGI-SI services

Moderator and guests:

  • Assoc. prof. dr. Muhamed Turkanović, University of Maribor, EDIH DIGI-SI project manager
  • Mr. Tomi Ilijaš, CEO of Arctur d.o.o., EDIH DIGI-SI project partner
  • Sašo Knez, director of AFormX, specialist in advanced simulations

Panel Title:
Building excellence in production: Concurrence of high-performance computing, artificial intelligence and innovative DIGI-SI services

Panel Description:
The key role of HPC in improving manufacturing processes, the transformative potential of artificial intelligence and the power of simulations in accelerating product development and process optimization will be addressed by:
- Assoc. prof. dr. Muhamed Turkanović, head of the DIGI-SI consortium,
- Tomi Ijiaš, director of Arctur d.o.o., who brings extensive expertise in the field of HPC and participates in the EDIH DIGI-SI consortium as a partner
- Sašo Knez, director of AFormX, specialist in advanced simulations.

Together, our esteemed panellists will explore the synergies arising from the confluence of these cutting-edge technologies and their profound impact on the industry. In addition, the discussion will highlight how companies can effectively use DIGI-SI's range of services related to HPC and other advanced technologies to improve their operations, drive innovation and remain competitive in today's fast-paced business environment.

Closed since 24 October 2023
Vojašniški trg 2A
2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Organised by
Slovenia 86
Serbia 7
Kosovo 5
Hungary 5
Russia 2
Estonia 1
Zambia 1
Austria 1
Sri Lanka 1
China 1
Croatia 1
Australia 1
Total 112
Profile views
Before event 2666
After event 95
Total 2761